
Welcome to Sparkle on the Tree. I document my holiday finds, food, crafts, and more. Hope you find inspiration here!

Blueberry Pumpkin Oatmeal

Blueberry Pumpkin Oatmeal

This oatmeal has been a hit in our house since I first tried it five years ago. Somewhere online - possibly Pinterest - I came across a smoothie recipe that included pumpkin, blueberry, and a random nut butter along with a bunch of other ingredients that I didn’t have. I added the ingredients I had to oatmeal, made some tweaks over time, and am happy to share this delicious recipe that makes a wonderful fall meal or treat.

blueberry pumpkin oatmeal / www.sparkleon

A few notes on the recipe: This recipe is for an individual serving. If you want to make more, double or increase according to the number of people you want to feed. For the oatmeal, I used 365 Organic Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats. I grated fresh nutmeg with a microplane, but store bought nutmeg powder will work. Make sure you use plain pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling. If you have fresh blueberries, by all means, use them. If not, frozen will work, but make sure you heat them up first or place them in the bottom of the bowl, pour the oatmeal on top, and let them sit for about a minute to warm up before stirring.

Blueberry Pumpkin Oatmeal


1 serving oatmeal

1/2 cup pumpkin

1 - 2 tbsp peanut butter or other nut butter

1/4 cup blueberries



ground cloves


  1. Cook the oatmeal according to the instructions on the package.

  2. In the mean time, place the peanut butter or other preferred nut butter in the bottom of a bowl. Add the pumpkin and blueberries to the bowl as well.

  3. When the oatmeal is cooked, carefully pour it on top of the mixture in the bowl while it is still hot. Let sit for at least a minute to warm up the ingredients in the bowl.

  4. Add the cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Stir well.


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